Užívateľ > CoDmanik
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Najobľúbenejšia závodná hra: (séria) Need For Speed, DiRT
Najobľúbenejšia RPG hra: (série) Grand Theft Auto, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect
Najobľúbenejšia FPS hra: (série) Call of Duty, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, Vietcong (len jednotku :) )
Najobľúbenejší Trailer hry: Assassins Creed 2
Najobľúbenejší výrobca hier: Ubisoft
Najobľúbenejšie frázy z hier: "Yeah. Score one for military intelligence" -Sggt. Griggs (CoD:4 MW [2007])
You tried to kill my own president! -Mason (Call of Duty: Black Ops [2010])
"We live in world where everything you know is WRONG!" -Treyarch (Call of Duty: Black Ops [2010])
"That´s drugs money!" -{Officer} Frank Tenpenny (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas [2005])
"Forget all about GTA... Incoming Saints Row The Third (Xbox Live [2011])
Achjaj 2015! Čo by ste chceli viac? GTA 5, Doom 4 a snáď nový engine od Ubisoftu :-*
Roses are red, violets are blue, so why in bloody hell does Makarov know you?
Roses are red, violets are blue, nigga´s are back and they wanna kill you.
Roses are red, violets are blue, in Soviet Russia, Vodka drinks you. :-)
Did I ever tell ya the definition of insanity?
Insanity is when you are buying Call of Duty over and over again. (Far Cry 3)
Bangarang <3
I used to roll the DICE,
feel the Frostbite in my eyes... :D (Viva la Vida, BF version)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IySyljx3nEM - Why we hate Call of Duty (True Story)
naposledy prihlásený 16.9.2024 2:06:09